REAP – Rural Education Achievement Program – Funding Support for Rural Illinois Schools

An important part of supplemental funding to Illinois rural and small schools is administered through the U.S. Department of Education – School Support and Rural Programs (SSRP) and the Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP). Within the REAP funding program there are two funding sources Illinois Rural Schools should be aware of, 1. Small, Rural School Achievement Grants (SRSA) and 2. Rural, Low Income School Grants (RLIS). The REAP program has been in existence and providing funds to rural schools since the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015. See link to the legislation.

It is important to note that a number of changes have been enacted and will be implemented over the next several months, and it will be important for schools (LEA’s) to get up to speed on these changes. Please note that some significant changes are related to an application process that is new and the dates by which schools will need to apply in order to qualify for REAP funds. AIRSS is including a recent webinar power point at its REAP page so schools might review the changes for 2017 and beyond. As well, AIRSS will continue to provide updates at this web page for schools to review.

Please take time to review and update your LEA on pertinent information. Questions – contact: Dave Ardrey – Executive Director AIRSS or a REAP program officer at